Saturday, May 21, 2011

Little Oraganized Piles of Clutter

Everywhere around mi casa I have these stacks of papers, big and small. They consist of mail (opened and unopened), stuff I print out at work or home, some of Maria's artwork, and magazines. I really can't seem to get a handle on this clutter, seriously if I clean it up one day it starts piling up again the next.

The reason I bring up this topic is because I was at a friends house this evening and I was helping her clean up her dining room table. I had stacked a bunch of stuff together and asked her "is this okay, I just piled it" and she says "that's what I do, I'm a stacker." And then I thought, hey I'm a stacker too, is there a whole society of stackers out there I didn't know about?

Stacking (v) piling clutter together to create nice little stacks of clutter. (I just made this definition up but I think it's pretty spot on.)

So I'm coming out of the stacker closet!!


  1. hahaha it's so nice to know i'm not the only one who has stacks of stuff! mine is mostly craft related though so i tell myslef it's ok!

  2. I'm a stacker.ugh go to fly she had helped me get organized.i don't stack as much.

  3. Hi M. I've heard of flylady, I'll check it out, thanks for the tip!

  4. OMG I'm a stacker, too! I was JUST telling myself, like, 30 minutes ago that I really need to "un-stack some of this clutter! How in the world does a stacker un-stack??? And remain un-stacked???

  5. I have no idea but if you find out please pass it along. My house nver actually looks clean because of my little stacks here and there, but since we're we're having friends over this weekend I so need to remove them... hide them!

    Thank you o much for visiting my blog and commenting! :)
