Wednesday, July 20, 2011

400 miles for Ektorp

Yup that’s right I’m gonna travel to Tempe, AZ or Centennial, CO for an IKEA sofa. I have just fallen in love, deeply; seriously, I wanna have its baby, in love with this couch. You see the other day I was looking at a blog called Little Miss Momma and I saw her cute little living room, well there it was, a cute little, comfy, white love seat and I thought I must meet her older brother. So after reading that the reason Ashley can have a white couch and a toddler in the same household (unheard of) is because ALL THE FABRIC IS MACHINE WASHABLE, I was sold. I jumped on IKEA and there it was and it's been nothing but passion since our first online encounter. His name is Ektorp, cute huh, he’s Swedish.


So anyway he’s only 399 bucks but here comes the distressing news, shipping is 349 bucks. I love Ektorp but I can’t spend that much on shipping I might as well get another one just like him, two is better than one (this blog post is going nowhere but south, stop reading now if you’re already weirded out by my personification of a sofa).

So I announced to my hubby that we’re taking a trip to the closest IKEA to meet my online lover, Ektorp. I visit him online at least once a day, I read the instructions on how to put him together, and I read how to wash him when he’s dirty (oh boy!) So instead of paying 349 bucks for shipping I’m gonna go down there and pick him up myself and maybe a couple of his friends (wowza!).

Oh IKEA please come to New Mexico, there are tons of women out here looking for exactly what you can provide… beautiful home furnishing duh…. what were you thinking?


  1. Hey, if you love it and you can't buy it local, I don't think you're crazy! But then I'm the one who drove all the way to Denver for Olivia's bedroom furniture. No one had what I was looking for here! I did have to pay a hefty shipping fee but I was able to negotiate 10% off the price of the furniture plus sales tax was waived - so that 'justified' the shipping cost. :-) And we love her bedroom!

  2. I agree. We need an Ikea here!
